Flimsy in the Face of Wind: Building Codes and Hurricane Resiliency

Wednesday, January 24th, 2024

The aftermath of a hurricane can be a devastating experience, particularly for those who have witnessed their homes succumb to the relentless force of wind and rain. As storms become more frequent and intense, it raises critical questions about the structural integrity of our homes and the effectiveness of building codes in ensuring resilience. This article delves into the role of building codes in hurricane-prone areas and offers insights for homeowners who find themselves grappling with storm damage.

Building Codes: The Foundation of Resilience

Building codes are a set of regulations stipulating the minimum standards for construction in a particular region. In hurricane-prone areas, these codes play a pivotal role in safeguarding homes against the destructive forces of nature. However, the effectiveness of these codes depends on their stringency and adherence during construction. Homeowners should be aware of the specific codes applicable to their region and ensure that contractors strictly follow them during building or renovation projects.

Understanding Wind Load and Impact Resistance

One of the key aspects of building resilience against hurricanes is considering the wind load on structures. Wind load refers to the force exerted by the wind on a building, and it varies depending on factors such as wind speed, building height, and surrounding terrain. Homes designed with a focus on wind load considerations are better equipped to withstand hurricane-force winds. Additionally, impact-resistant windows and doors can significantly reduce the risk of damage caused by flying debris during storms.

The Vulnerability of Roofing Systems

Roofs are often the first line of defense against the fury of hurricanes. A weak or improperly installed roof can lead to catastrophic damage to the entire structure. Building codes provide guidelines for roofing systems, including material specifications, installation techniques, and wind resistance requirements. Homeowners should ensure that their roofs meet or exceed these standards to enhance the overall resilience of their homes.

Elevated Foundations: A Crucial Element

In coastal regions prone to storm surge, the elevation of a home’s foundation is a critical factor in minimizing flood damage. Building codes in these areas often mandate elevated foundations to protect homes from rising water levels during hurricanes. Homeowners should be diligent in understanding and implementing these requirements, as a well-designed and elevated foundation can be the difference between minor flooding and catastrophic water damage.

Post-Storm Assessment and Insurance Disputes

Despite the best precautions, some homes may still sustain damage during a hurricane. In the aftermath, a thorough assessment of the extent of the damage is crucial. Homeowners should document the destruction, take photographs, and contact their insurance providers promptly. However, insurance claims can often become contentious, with disputes arising over coverage and repair costs.

Contact Storm Damage for Expert Assistance

Navigating the aftermath of a hurricane and dealing with storm damage can be overwhelming for homeowners. In these challenging times, seeking professional assistance is key. Storm Damage offers a comprehensive solution. From providing accurate repair estimates to resolving insurance disputes, our team of experts is equipped to guide homeowners through the restoration process.

Building codes are the foundation of hurricane resilience, but their efficacy depends on strict adherence and homeowner awareness. Understanding wind load, fortifying roofing systems, elevating foundations, and conducting post-storm assessments are crucial steps in safeguarding homes. For those facing the daunting task of repairing storm damage, Storm Damage is a reliable ally to turn to for expert assistance and a smooth recovery process.

Find us at 200 Lake Morton Drive, Suite 300, Lakeland, FL 33801.

Call us today for a free consultation on (833) 941-7867.

Which Areas of the Home are Most Vulnerable to Hurricane Damage?

Wednesday, October 11th, 2023

Hurricane season is always a tense time for those who live in hurricane-prone areas. There is that constant underlying fear that a hurricane could hit at any time and pose a direct threat to your home. All you have to do is take a look at the news to understand just how extensive the damage can be. Even a Category 1 hurricane can cause substantial damage. And because you can’t just pick up your house and place it outside a hurricane-prone area, it’s important to take preventative and protective steps.

Here we’ll take a look at which areas of the home are most vulnerable to hurricane damage, and some tips to help safeguard it.

The Roof

If you were to name one area that is extremely vulnerable to hurricane damage, it has to be the roof. High winds are part of a hurricane and depending on the age, current condition and type of roof you have, it may not be able to stand up to the wind. It may just damage some areas of the roof, or you could be dealing with a total loss.

To help prevent this from happening, be sure to constantly inspect your roof for signs of wear and tear and address those issues immediately.

The Windows

Just as with the roof, windows are also prone to hurricane damage. The force of the wind can cause them to break and pose a danger to those sheltering in the home. Reinforced windows that have been properly installed are the best way to prevent this from happening. If you live in an area that experiences multiple hurricanes and strong storms, installing storm shutters on all the windows is also wise.

The Garage Door

A garage is a feature that many homeowners love. It’s perfect for parking your vehicle and/or acting as storage. When a storm hits, however, the garage door doesn’t offer much in terms of protection. They are typically very lightweight which means the wind can damage them and even force the door off the track. Be sure the door and the parts, such as center supports and hinges, are all of high quality.

Not All Damage Can Be Prevented

At the end of the day, even being aware of the most vulnerable spots in your home and taking the proper measures to safeguard them isn’t always enough. Hurricanes are extremely powerful, and your home may still sustain serious storm damage.

If you’re dealing with a property loss claim, it’s best to contact us, the professionals at Storm Damage. A property loss claim can be extremely stressful and typically involves such things as:

Even after all of that, you may feel the insurance company is underpaying your claim. It’s for these reasons and more that we here at Storm Damage can prove essential during this time. We’ve got a team of consultants, attorneys and contractors that will assist you throughout the process and answer all your questions.

Come and visit our offices at 200 Lake Morton Drive, Suite 300, Lakeland, FL 33801.

Don’t have the time to visit us? Call us today for a free consultation at (833) 941-7867.

Let us at Storm Damage help you through this stressful time.

5 Simple Protective Measures Every Homeowner Must Take Before Hurricane Season Begins

Saturday, September 16th, 2023

Have you moved into an area that experiences ‘hurricane season’? Are you a homeowner and have not experienced a hurricane before? Here are some simple prep steps that everyone can do to get ready for hurricane season, and they can all save time, stress, and money.

Put a Plan in Place

When there is a hurricane watch or warning, you and your family need to know what to do and what their responsibilities are. A hurricane watch is often announced when conditions are worsening, and hurricane-force winds are likely in the next 48 hours. When a warning is announced in the media, including TV, radio, and other forms of communication, a hurricane is expected to hit the area soon. Everyone needs to know what to do and where to go when it is announced.

Keep Supplies Prepped for an Emergency

Food, water, energy, and emergency supplies should be stored in your home somewhere if you live in a hurricane zone. The aftermath of a hurricane could leave you without power for days, so having batteries, portable solar chargers, and even a generator can be vital. Medical and emergency supplies are important too. Neighbors, friends, and even family could be injured during the event, and an emergency medical kit to treat them could be lifesaving.

Prepare Your Home and Yard

Before hurricane season begins in your area, clear your yard of anything that could be whipped up by the winds and become a destructive force to your home or someone else’s. Bikes, lawn furniture, and barbeque grills are all common culprits for storm damage in residential areas. Cover up windows if possible, adding ‘storm shutters’ to help protect your home and reduce the chance of window glass blowing inside and causing injury.

Review Your Insurance Policies

Before hurricane season arrives, you should check your home and car insurance policies to make sure you are covered for the costs of any damages. You may have specific responsibilities in the aftermath of a hurricane or storm, including getting repair estimates and damage assessments.

The insurance claim process can often be long and complicated after a natural event or disaster like a hurricane, due to the volume of claims. Getting help with the preparation and submission of your claim is a good idea to help avoid delays and ensure all the information insurance companies need is included in your claim.

Look Out For ‘Stay at Home’ Or ‘Evacuate’ Orders

Always listen to the authorities during a hurricane watch or warning and stay up to date with local news. Evacuate orders are less common and must be followed closely. Have a family plan for what to do in the event of an evacuation order, especially if you are separated when the order is given.

In the wake of a hurricane, Storm Damage is here to help. We can help you to make your claim, assess the damage, and assist you through the insurance claims process to make sure you get the coverage you have paid for.

To get the help and assistance you need to make a successful insurance claim for damages and loss incurred in a hurricane:

You can visit us at: 200 Lake Morton Drive, Suite 300, Lakeland, FL 33801

Or call us today for a free consultation on (833) 941-7867.

Which States are Most at Risk from Hurricanes?

Saturday, July 29th, 2023

When it comes to hurricanes, certain states in the United States are more susceptible to their destructive forces than others. With their powerful winds, heavy rainfall, and storm surges, hurricanes can wreak havoc on coastal communities and even affect inland areas. If you are wondering which states are most at risk from hurricanes, this post will provide you with valuable insights and important information.

The Atlantic hurricane season, which runs from June 1st to November 30th, poses a significant threat to many states along the Eastern Seaboard and the Gulf Coast. While hurricanes can occur anywhere along these coastlines, some states are particularly vulnerable due to their geographical location, climate conditions, and exposure to warm ocean waters.


Florida is often at the top of the list in terms of hurricane risk. Its long coastline, extending into both the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico, leaves it exposed to hurricanes from different direction. Notable hurricanes that have impacted Florida include Hurricane Andrew in 1992 and Hurricane Irma in 2017.


Louisiana, located along the Gulf Coast, faces the constant threat of hurricanes. Its low-lying coastal areas and proximity to warm Gulf waters make it highly susceptible to storm surges and flooding. Hurricane Katrina, one of the most devastating hurricanes in U.S. history, struck Louisiana in 2005, causing widespread destruction.


Texas, with its extensive coastline along the Gulf of Mexico, is also at significant risk from hurricanes. Cities like Houston and Galveston have experienced the devastating impact of hurricanes such as Hurricane Harvey in 2017. The state’s size and population density make hurricane evacuation and response challenging.

North Carolina

Situated on the Atlantic Coast, North Carolina is prone to hurricanes making landfall. The Outer Banks region, a popular tourist destination, is particularly exposed to the impacts of hurricanes. Hurricane Florence in 2018 caused significant damage and severe flooding in parts of the state.

South Carolina

Sharing a similar vulnerability with its neighboring state, South Carolina is also exposed to hurricanes originating from the Atlantic Ocean. Coastal areas, including Charleston, face the risk of storm surge, heavy rainfall, and strong winds. Hurricanes such as Hugo in 1989 have left lasting impacts on the state.


Located along the Gulf Coast, Mississippi experiences a considerable hurricane risk. Cities like Gulfport and Biloxi have witnessed the destructive power of hurricanes, including Hurricane Katrina. The state continues to focus on hurricane preparedness and resilience to minimize the impact of future storms.


While it is not located directly on the coast, Alabama can still be affected by hurricanes. Coastal areas like Mobile are at higher risk due to their proximity to the Gulf of Mexico. Hurricane Sally in 2020 caused significant flooding and damage in parts of Alabama, highlighting the state’s vulnerability.

If you are living in one of these states and have experienced hurricane damage to your home, look no further than Storm Damage. With our team of skilled attorneys, contractors, and claims consultants, we have a wealth of experience dating back to the devastating Hurricane Andrew over thirty years ago. We’re dedicated to helping you navigate the complex process of storm damage claims and restoration.

Contact us today for a consultation:

200 Lake Morton Drive, Suite 300, Lakeland, FL 33801 Call us today for a free consultation on (833) 941-7867.